Apr 24, 2007


Being singled does mean I can now travel as a backpacker, and so that's how I did Frisco last year, Drakensberg, London and Miami the years before. I mean beyond the obvious guided tours, cost savings, peoplewatching opportunities and fantastic locales there's other more subtler reasons to backpack :) For one I still remember doing the Drakensberg day hiking trips and coming back in the evening to a large T Bone steak, washed down with Castle Laager at a roughhewn wooden dining table, open to the side all the way to the stars, with lightning flashing in plain sight a few miles away ... all for roughly about $5 American. Aieee, that place was beyond romantic ... If I coulda stayed there for another month I'd have gladly done so except that the lodge it was literally in the middle of nowhere and you could not anything for miles around ... good if you're being hunted by the mob but bad if you like to hit the club scene every now and then or murder a plate of pad thai or get midnight cravings for sashimi or even just want to go rent the latest emir kusturica or ...

And where in London could you do a pint for a pound other than in a backpackers bar. I mean it all qualifies as cost savings don't it? The only regret I have ... not having my camera on these trips. So summer's almost here and I'll be doing a few cities on the longer weekends and hopefully they'll all be at backpackers this time with the Finepix and maybe even the Nikon DSLR tagging along. I mean there are lockers to put stuff like that away at night ...

And here check out the this wonderfully presented guide to London for backpackers

Of course there is this other way to check out this quirky wonderfully eccentric city out by just clicking over to london daily instead :)

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