Apr 22, 2007

Criterion Collection movies

Criterion with unerring accuracy releases one masterwork after the other, each restored to their pristine original glory. Some may find the price a bit steep, and your neighborhood video rental may not always have them. But once you compare say Criterion's version of Seven Samurai against the other copies out there, you'll automatically find yourself counting the money out :)

I buy them when I can and have never regretted any of the choices to date. There's always the unexpected specials in them as well. For example in Tarkovsky's Solaris, I found two essays one by Philip Lopate AND the other by Akira Kurosawa. Kurosawa had apparently visited Tarkovsky during the filming and the essay details his impressions from that visit. Quietly and simply it underscores the enormous respect both had for each other. Both made movies that were not just unforgettable but had a range, depth and mastery that will never probably be equalled by anybody else.

Recommendations include Seven Samurai, Ikiru, Redbeard, Yojimbo, Sanjuro and Rashomon for Kurosawa, and Solaris, Andrei Rubley for Tarkovsky (but be warned Tarkovsky is very meditative ... read that as very slow)

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