Nov 12, 2007

Vive la Velib

A new self service rent a bike that allows you to scoot around the city for free well almost free :)

Euro 1 for a day, 5 for a week, or 29 for a year. That and a 150 euro deposit allows you to rent out a bike from one of close to a thousand automated self service stations located 300 meters from each other all throughout Paree. It's free for the first half hour, it's 1 Euro for an hour, 7 euros for two hours, 31 euros for five hours and so on upto 150 euros for twenty hours ...

Lovely system. I saw the same thing in another city in France as well Besancon there it was called Velorution if I remember correctly. Will try and add some pictures tomorrow.

But ... but this is the answer to a prayer isn't it. Helps you get around the town (maps are available on the velib site) in double quick time, no worrying about parking, and motivates you to do things in half hour blocks :)

It comes with a basket and a light. So all you really need to do this is cart your own helmet and you're ready to go.

However for the day regular bike rentals might be the way to go still, but for sheer flexibility and freedom this is a great deal

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