Jan 1, 2010

Splinters in the mind

by Stanley Kunitz

Summer is late, my heart.
Words plucked out of the air
so many many years ago
When I was wild with love
and torn almost in two
scatter like leaves this night
of whistling wind and rain.
It is my heart that's late,
it is my song that's flown.

- Touch me

by Simon Armitage

Anyone here had a go at themselves
for a laugh? Anyone opened their wrists
with a blade in the bath? Those in the dark
at the back, listen hard.

....................... Come clean, come good,
repeat with me the punch line ‘Just like blood’
when those at the back rush forward to say
how a little love goes a long long long way.

- I Say, I Say, I Say

by Tishani Desai

perhaps I can be her after all
who walks through moonless nights
with lotus skin and lotus feet
across forbidden boundaries.

I’ll be the kind who sallies out
to wait for love
with musk-kissed hair
and navel bared
in a thousand secret places –
past the cowsheds
and the balsam grove,
across the river,
to the garden of hibiscus.
And although the night be dark
and fierce enough to stir
the seven sleeping oceans,
I’ll deceive the forest
like a shadow,
slipping noiselessly past
evil eyes and serpent tongues
and the husband who lies inside
jealous of my devotion.


And later, while the husband sleeps,
I’ll make my way
to the town’s cremation grounds.
I’ll strip away my clothes
and dance among the mounds of ash
to command the churning of a storm.
For I have been with you
since you were born
and will stay with you
till you return
soaked with the lasting dawn.

- Another man's woman

by Carol Ann Duffy

Stop. Along this path, No Midas touch
has turned the wood to gold, late in the year

It is almost impossible to be here and yet
you kneel, no one's child, ..........., distantly
the evening bell reminding you, Home, Home,
Home, and the stone in your palm telling the time

- Plainsong

Suddenly the rain is hilarious
and the moon wobbles in the dusk

- Drunk

And at midnight, a candle next to the wine
slurs it's soft wax, flatters. Shadows
circle the table. The way all faces blur
to dreams of themselves held in the eyes.
The flare of another match. The way everything dies

- The Grammar of light

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